Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Process AND Outcome

Take a look at his HBR article on the perils of goal setting. This is a great reminder to us all that we need a healthy balance of process and outcome goals in our work and personal lives if we are to deliver success through quality and support the behaviours we would like to see.

Monday, 28 January 2013

Winning Parenting?

My daughter's swim club sent this article on Winning Parenting to all parents last week to remind them of their responsibilities. Some great tips in here on supporting strengths development and working in collaboration with coaches. And some excellent messages for managers?

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Discovering What Works

I had a super week with the Cybex International Sales Team just last week in Dubai. Here are the team taking some post meeting recreation in the desert! 3 days spent discovering what works, building on what works and making plans for delivering even bigger successes in 2013.